Monday, March 17, 2008


I ordered 2 cubic yards of black mini-mulch delivered to my driveway from a building supply place. They told me it would come between 9am and 11am. The guy was ringing my doorbell before 8am. I told him it was mulch too early.

I spent the whole day spreading mulch of it around my yard, but there is still so mulch piled in front of my house --- I think I ordered too mulch. Next time I'll know how mulch to buy, and I won't get so mulch.

One good way to figure out how mulch to get is to measure the length and the width of the yard and then decide how deep you want it to be. Then use your mulchification tables.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, I need that so mulch! DR

Anonymous said...

Hi Eric.

What Kind of telescope do you have and is it fast enough to track the space station???

TL in SD

Eric Renger said...

Hey, TL!

Good to hear from you.

The telescope is a Meade ETX-125. It's a Maksutov design (which means it is short and compact) and has a 5-inch diameter aperture. It has electronic controls for movement, but I don't think it would be possible to track the space station with it.
