Saturday, March 1, 2008

Master Composter

I'm taking a class to become a "Master Composter."

I quit my job some time ago and have been out of work for a while, so now when people ask me what I am doing, I say, "I'm working on my Master's."

"What? Are you getting an MBA or something?"

"No, I'm getting an MC --- Master Composter!"

Some people find this amusing and interesting, while others think I should apply myself more diligently to finding a job, but those people do not understand the importance of what I am doing.

A Master Composter not only becomes an expert in making compost, but also masters the art of teaching others how to compost. A Master Composter is something like the Yoda of compost. He is a powerful Jedi of compost, but he also teaches his apprentice to compost as well.

"Master, how shall I turn this pile of compost?"

"The fork must you use."


Anonymous said...

Hey Yoda,
Shouldn't that be, "The fork must you use." --?

Eric Renger said...

Dixie, I think you might be right. "The fork must you use," not "The fork you must use." I never really mastered Yoda-speak, so I guess I am not yet a Jedi. I'm going to correct it.

Anonymous said...

The fork use you must